Thursday, March 1, 2012

Alright Folks! It's Over!

As you all know (if you ever read my blogs), there have been interesting experiences throughout this term. Mostly, I blogged about our art and our science class. Science was definitely tenser, but the tears came out during Art. I thought I'd share with you some of the final results of these classes.

In art class, we did lots of different projects and it was fun to see what we could do when we had some really good instruction.

We made coil pots out of clay. So much fun! Hope to
have a Clay CafĂ©-y party sometime.

We learned the proportions of the face while drawing a portrait.
It's not modelled off anyone but it was still fun!

A couple weeks ago, we made a balanced plasticine meal.
Looks delicious, right? I made the baked sweet potato.

Here is my groups totem representing our groups
teaching values. Any guesses at meaning?

In science class, we had to raise some mealworms. My group was quite successful; by the end of it, nine out of ten of our wittle babies had made it through their life cycles and become beetles. Wanna see the progress? Check out my group's website!

Mealworms! They were actually kind of cute.  It may sound silly
but they all kind of had their own personality.

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