Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone! Thank goodness it's Friday! Time to link up with Amanda to talk about what has made us happy this past week. So here goes!

- Halloween! So much Thriller and fun times with friends and family.

- Homemade pizza! It is so delicious and you get to make it just the way you like it.

- Discovering new, wonderful blogs thanks to my fantastic friends and their suggestions.

- Discovering exactly how hilarious my cousin is. Check out her blog! René and I actually read it every day as we are making supper/doing homework! Love it!

- Heading back to the classroom after finishing my first term. The kids were happy, I was too, and I am looking forward to the interesting and life-changing experiences I am sure I will encounter along this journey.

- Watching Grey's Anatomy with my step mom who is now getting addicted to it. New Grey's Buddy?!

- Using my sandwich container for the first time.

- Finding the delicious Greek yogurt my mom bought when I was visiting her. So good! It's almost like ice cream because it is so thick. I've been eating it out of a plate! :)

- Planning and teaching an official lesson on my own for the first time. Nerve-racking but so much awesome!

- Taking long walks in Centennial Pack with Dad and René. It's so beautiful out there.

- Florence + the Machine pre-order came in! Woohoo! :)

I know this is the albums' Dog Days but it is so good (and catchy)! 
I'll find a not-single favourite and write a post about it later!

- Seeing the "light up, I get it" look on the kids' faces.

- Having a child who seemed closed up open up and tell you a joke. It's so nice that to know you are gaining their trust.

It has been such a fantastic week! I can't wait to see how next week goes. Have a fabulous weekend!

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